Why Choose Subpod?
Some of our new compoThe below ground composting system that feeds the soil. Subpod uses compost worms and microbes to turn food waste into high nutrient castings that nourish plants at root level - right there in your garden. When planted in a raised garden bed it can also double up as a garden seat.sters have been having trouble finding compost worms recently. Here are a few helpful tips for finding worms, from local breeders to big businesses!

Why Choose a Subpod Compost System?
Vermicomposting (composting with worms) is the simplest and easiest way for urban composters and for composting in smaller spaces. Vermicomposting generally composts quicker than other systems, reducing (or eliminating) the smell and insect issues often associated with compost systems.
The basic idea is to keep your worms happy. You do this by feeding them your kitchen scraps, shredded paper, dry garden clippings, sawdust, etc. In nature, compost worms live in the forest floor amongst the fallen leaves and other rotting vegetation, animal droppings, etc. They are the great natural composters who work with the microorganisms that feed on the organic waste materials. Subpod, the worm farm that is buried into the soil provides compost worms with the perfect environment for them to do their work of breaking down food and organic waste.
Subpod has a series of ‘worm’ holes in the sides of the box which allow the worms to move freely in and out. This means the surrounding soil is aerated and nutrients are delivered directly to the roots of the plants where they are needed most.
Subpod improves the condition of your soil and plants. There is a symbiotic relationship between plant roots and the microorganisms that surround the plant roots. It’s a really fascinating co-relationship!
At the top of the Subpod, there are special airflow panels that allow air to flow through the system while being strong enough to keep out large critters such as rats, possums and anything else living in your garden. The compost is therefore kept aerated creating an aerobic/oxygen rich environment. This means no smelly compost!
Worm mobility in the Subpod is a great advantage over conventional systems. If something is added that the worms don't like, they can move to the other side of the Subpod, or move out into the surrounding soil and back into the Subpod when they like.
Subpod is an underground system, which means more stable temperatures all year round. Most worm farms are exposed to the elements and can easily fail due to temperature fluctuations. With a small amount of additional care Subpod can function through the harshest summers or winters.
Subpod allows the worms to behave naturally and they are not contained to the Subpod but learn to return there for feeding. This also means Subpod doesn’t fill up as quickly as most systems because the worms and microbes are continuously eating. This keeps compost levels low inside the Subpod. We find you only need to empty the contents a couple of times per year, or more if you would like to distribute your compost and worm castings throughout your garden.
What makes Subpod a good composter, and how is it different from other compost bins?
Subpod is an in-garden compost system that works with nature, using worms and microbes to compost organic waste without odours, vermin, mess and the hard work of traditional composting.
The Subpod is installed into your garden, below ground. It can also be installed in a raised garden bed and has the added benefit of having a built-in seat that you can sit on.
Because there are no smells involved with Subpod, you can literally sit on your Subpod/compost and enjoy your garden around you while the worms are working away happily below your toosh.
The Subpod has a lot of wormholes built into it which allows the worms and microbes to move in and out of the Subpod. This, in turn, aerates the soil and the nutrients are delivered to the roots of the plants where they are needed most.
Going below ground means the worms are feeding the plants at the root level, where they draw in their nutrients. So your herbs and vegetables are being fed in a really natural way, every day - reducing the need for other fertilisers.
The difference between Subpod and other compost systems
Most worm farms are above ground and enclosed, this is the equivalent of being in a room with no doors. So if there is an unfavourable condition (a hot day, too much food), your worms cannot escape and are at risk of dying.
Subpod can compost more organic waste than any other vermicompost system. With a 15 kilogram (33 pounds)/30 litres (8 gallons) capacity per week, one Subpod will compost food waste from 4-6 people.
Because Subpod promotes a diversity of microbes, you can also compost small amounts of meat, citrus and dairy.
3 key points to remember are:
1) Don't overfeed your worms. Although worms can eat half their body weight in food each day, overfeeding them can create a harmful environment for them. In time, the worms will build up their numbers and be able to eat more. You can keep on building up your worm farm/s to accommodate the waste you produce each week.
2) Add carbon with every feeding - brown stuff, e.g. shredded newspaper, clean sawdust, dry leaves, torn up cardboard.
3) Make sure your worms have access to air, and use an aerator to mix everything everytime you feed your worms.
Happy composting!